Tag: Reminiscenses

Niagara – the Mine and the Gold

Donald Lang Reminiscence  I think I knew the name RMS Niagara before she went out of circulation. June 19th 1940, just before the winter solstice, was a day that I remember as clear and sparkling. Don’t ask me about the weather on any other day in 1940. At the other end of the world the then current Republic of France was dying. Until I looked up the dates recently I did not connect the two. […]

Blood donations

250 Blood donations

When I was seventeen and resident in a student hostel we were invited to give blood. At that age it required parental consent. I was a conformist. I got the consent first and missed that initial rush. Donation, once done, did however turn out to be habit forming. It qualified as “A Good Thing”. Various features caught the attention of my peer group. Before blood would be accepted ‘in bulk’ a few drops from a […]