The Hungarian Wikipedia says tyhe following (translated to English): Josip Predavec ( Rugvica , July 2 , 1884 – Dugo Selo , July 14 , 1933 ) was a Croatian historian, agronomist, and politician. Enlightener of the Croatian peasantry. His life [ edit ] Josip Predavec was born in 1884 in Rugvica. [ 2 ] His parents, Janko Predavec and Jaga Vlahović, were poor peasants. [ 3 ] He completed his studies with the support of the Foundation […]
Category: Predavec – Josip 1884-1933
News Article on Josip Predavec’s death
Predavec – Josip 1884-1933

Josip Predavec’s Wikipedia entry is here. News article on his death including an autopsy report is here. Josip’s brother was Đuro Predavec. The following is translated from a French translation of a Croatian-language book: In a letter that Stjepan Radić sent to his brother Antunin May 1908, he drew his attention to Josip Predavec by using the […]
Report of Josip Predavec death in The Guardian

The Guardian, London, 17 July 1933