Eda Le Messurier is pictured in the middle of her extended family. At the back, her aunts Agnes and Lou standing. Seated, her grandfather Nicholas, Eda herself and her grandmother Mary Ann Thoume. At their feet is her uncle Harold. Agnes and Lou were very skilled needle workers, and taught Eda many skills.
Nicholas LeMessurier with the silver tea service presented to him when he retired in 1898 from his position as Post Master at St Peter Port.
A family story says that Eda got tired of cleaning the silver and put it in the dustbin.
His wife Mary Ann Thoume is pictured with her tatting. This and other similar skills were passed down to succeeding generations. The last person to practice them all was her great granddaughter Margot Stringer. Her daughter Jean Spencer was a knitter only.
Below is a Victorian Crochet work bedcover she made in 1855 which was sold at auction in 2015.