King Harry Lane
St Albans
June 27. 40
My dear Alfred
Here I am, an evacuee. I left home Tuesday by the night boat & arrived here at 2 p.m. yesterday. Hilda & Mary came over last week & is staying at home with her people. I hope Grenville will soon come over too, he & Dr Sutcliffe are living together just now.
I brought Mary’s cat over for her. You would have liked to have seen Soton?? As I saw it at 4.30 a.m? yesterday when I went on deck, we had a convoy & there were nothing but ships about, all sorts & sizes.
On Monday there were only 11 people left in Alderney & they went to fetch them on the Tuesday morning, now there isn’t a soul on the island.
Isn’t it all heartbreaking.
Sorry I haven’t written to Eda, but was in bed when her letter came and since then, things have moved too quick for me, & for all of us.
Edwin & family are coming away tomorrow night, hope they will have it fine, they are going Durham way.
Can’t write any more, hope you are all well. Don’t know if the address is right, but have left mof all behind me.
Love to you all