
Letter 1881-09-13 Frederick H Nutter – Lucy Nutter


13th Sep 1881

My dear Lu,

I have just written a short note to Emma but I could not let it go without just sending down old Lu a line, especially after the measles from which I hope she has by this time fully recovered and quite herself again. Susie will doubtless tell you that Alex has taken a favourable turn and is much better. Fannie I saw a day or two since and found her getting on finely, grown I think a good deal and looking very meek. We thought we were going to have it (scarlet fever) next door to us as the symptoms were very like, but Mrs ? was called in and prescribed and the patient soon got better. Lena and Susie are sitting down darning stockings very industriously, they are invited to a party at Capt Daldys, opposite, to celebrate the birth of the daughter of the house, a young lady of about 32. Susie’s just suggests that it would probably be a children’s party but Lena thinks otherwise as the deacons of the church are generally among the invited guests, and I may just tell you quietly that there has been no little stir about “what shall we wear” but I think it is fully settled , the only difficulty left is “shall we take our music”, which will I think be settled in the negative for fear of its being thought we are trying to come out. Susie is just requesting that Lena will not make her laugh then and they have decided to leave her laughing till they come home. This is Susie’s second party is she not getting gay.

With much love your affectionate Father

F Nutter



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