
Letter 1880-10-25 Eliza Nutter – Lucy Nutter

Vincent Street

Oct 25th /80

My darling Lucy

I think it is your turn for a letter. I got Arthur’s telegram today while at dinner. I need not tell you that I was delighted & thankful to get it and now I must wait with patience till I get letters. I am sure you will give me full particulars as to what the wee darling is like. The news has made me very homesick, I seem to want so much to be with you all but we must be patient. You must all pray that my faith may not fail, for I seem sometimes as if I could not hope confidently for dear Father’s recovery. I feel so weary and sad to think of our dear one’s unhappy state. I did hope that the Lord would have restored to him the joy of his salvation before now. I could bear the separation if I only knew he was rejoicing in the Lord, but he does not improve much in that respect though I fancy he is not so fixed in that idea as he was. The weather has been very depressing lately – close & wet – but I do trust it will soon brighten for it makes a difference to such as dear Father. I was so glad to get your letter telling me that you were first last month, you are working well darling and I need not tell you how much pleasure it gives me to feel that my dear children are working diligently in their various duties. Auntie told me you were getting on nicely but more than all dearie I hope you are seeking to please our dear Lord who has done so much for us. You need never doubt but that I always pray for you that you may be blessed according to your need – I do not know what that need is but our Father does. I got a letter from Emma & Susie today, I am sorry to hear that poor Mrs McNalty is so ill – we know that if she is taken all is well with her. She will make one more above to welcome us when we are called to go – whether we fall asleep or rise to meet the Lord in the air and Albert Weir too. It is sad to see the young ones leaving us but our Father knows best.

I was at Mrs Utting’s yesterday – her poor little boy (16 months old) had just been kicked by a horse – they were at dinner and the little fellow was running about the house . Mrs Utting did not know the back door was open but the child found it out & went out & being very fond of horses must have gone right up to one which was in the yard – he got a kick on the side of his face quite cutting the flesh very badly right up to the eye – it is wonderful how the eye escaped. Poor Mrs Utting is so unwell just now & it gave her such a fright. However I believe the little man will soon be all right again. But I must not write more for I want to send the new Mama a note to tell her how glad grandmamma is. I am afraid Aunt Susie & Aunt Lucy will be inclined to spoil the darling. How does Uncle Fred like his niece I expect he is proud enough. Give them all my best love & take the same from

Your loving


Tell Fred he owes his Mother a letter.


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