Give my love to all enquiring friends especially dear Mrs Rout? I am so glad you are going to the Bluff
Vincent Street
Nov 1st /80
My darling Lucy,
I have just got your letter telling me of the dear baby’s arrival. I am so glad dear old Emma is so well. Tell Arthur I am quite shocked at Papa’s discription (sic) of his little daughter. I think she must be very like what her Mama was when she was born (forehead and all). I can fancy how pleased & proud you all are – Fred as much as the rest. I assure you Grandmama is not behind any of you in pride & pleasure. Greatgrandpapa airs his title like anything. I have just posted the robes – I am sorry I forgot to put the string in the neck of them and also as+ two of them want a buttonhole in the back. The little boots are a present from Cousin Serena. She spent the day with us when Auntie & Lottie were here, and crocheted the boots while she was here.
Tell Arthur the old body on the North Shore who knows all about his family is a Mrs Merrick. I do not know what her maiden name was – she seems to know al about Arthur’s Mother’s family – the Smiths – she says Mrs Hanan was a splendid woman . Mrs Hill knows something of A’s Father old Dr Hanan! of course he means his Uncle. Mr H. is a nephew of Mr Connell (Papa of Auntie’s old friend Nellie Connell) and a cousin of Mrs Fenton whose daughter Fred met at Akaroa. I should think he has been in Auckland 30 years so that he only knows the old generation. The Ridinys(?), Connells & Mr Hill all come from Cork. Tell Emma I really think you could quite well wear colours after Christmas dear Grandmama has been dead six months already and I really think in our circumstances it would be wrong not to use what summer things you have by you. Would my brown galatea fit you if the burnt train was taken off? I shall not put off mourning myself, and it really would be more economical to keep on black – for the silk & grenadine with some cheap dress will take me through the summer I hope. There is a nice grey dress that belonged to dear grandmama that might be altered to fit one of you. I wish I could do some of the sewing. You must try & not forget to tell me whether Susie’s slip bodies fit you – for if so I have her size & can make some for you. I rolled a fashion book round the robes. The people who sell cut out patterns have an agency here & we can get any of the patterns for the price printed under each – Aunt E got a pattern for 10d of a dress for the children – they are cut so correctly. I went to get a jacket pattern to make up that cashmere but unfortunately they only had large sizes left. Lena says she noticed on the back of the book I sent that the agent at Invercargill is Rodgers. I did not know they could be had there, the patterns are very true. I have written to Fred who will tell you that there is not much news about dear Father, he was sleeping a little better. I hope to see him on Thursday. Give my very best love to the dear Papa & Mama – plenty of kisses for the wee pet, not forgetting dear old Sue and lastly your own dear self
From your loving
Remember me to Mrs Walker