Father seemed very pleased at the
card Susie enclosed. I wished it
had been addressed to him.
North Shore
Janary 12th./81
My darling Lucy,
I think it is your turn for a letter so as it is a very hot morning I thought I would sit down and have a chat.
Dear Father is sitting in the armchair reading. When I look at him and think of the wonderful improvement there is in his health my heart rises in thankfulness to our Father in Heaven for his goodness to us.
A month ago he could scarcely have walked from our old house in Forth St to Mr. Wade’s without fatigue, and now we are out nearly all day. Yesterday we walked to a place called Narrow Neck [The mangrove swamp on the east side was later reclaimed, so it is not as narrow], where the sea on each side of the land nearly meets. At high water there is only the width of a good wide road between. It is about as far from here as the Ocean Beach is from the Bluff. We went by the road & thought we would return by the beach which is easily done when the tide is out. We got on very well till we came to one place where the tide was higher than we expected to find it. We had no choice so off we took stockings & boots and waded. Father seemed quite to enjoy it and we reached home without any further adventure. In the afternoon we tried fishing off some rocks but owing to our having no good bait we caught nothing. Today it is raining just about as hard as it can. Dear Father’s mind seems gradually going back to its old state, though he still lacks the assurance of salvation, but it will come I feel sure. I suppose you are at the Bluff enjoying the sea. Father & I often wish you were all here with us for it is so lovely about such pretty spots. We have nothing so pretty near Invercargill.
I got a letter from Susie telling me that Emma was at the Bluff too – I hope the change will set her up again. I was also thankful to hear that Fred had two small surveys to do – it is better than nothing and I hope he may get something better to do afterwards. Susie did not say whether you were staying with Mrs Rout or Mrs Yule. Give my warmest love to both. Grandpapa was over yesterday and was delighted with dear Father, for he really was almost cheerful, but of course he varies and I feel that I cannot be sure of his getting well till he is able once more to rest in Christ as his Saviour. I hope you still pray for it – don’t give up. He would be delighted to get a note from any of you, so I hope you will write soon. Now goodbye darling, special love to all my dear ones – not forgetting yourself – from
Your loving Mother
E.H Nutter
Father sends his love to you all &
Wishes me to tell you he is longing to see you all.