Do the folks still pray for
us or are we forgotten now!
We never needed it more.
North Shore
March 9th/81.
My darling Lucy,
We have moved our lodgings from Mrs Williams to a Mrs Hoens[?]. The change is not an improvement certainly but we were obliged to leave. Mrs Williams’ lodgings are so much sought after that she had let our rooms as I had told her we were leaving for Vincent Street, but as Uncle Robert is hoping to get his holidays this week we (or rather I) thought we had better remain where we are. We are quite close to the house Aunt Emma is living in which is convenient and when Uncle is over we shall be out a great deal more. I wish I could say Father is better than when I wrote last. He is about the same. It is much harder work for me than it was a few weeks ago. He is so restless and sometimes very very trying but I think I must need a great deal of chastening to make me patient & submissive to His will who is our loving Father. I read of people who can rejoice in the midst of sorrow like mine but that is not my experience. I can thank the Lord many times during one day for help & wisdom given when in need of it. He interposes his hand so often to calm our dear one when excited, but my life is more like a continual prayer for help & guidance than a rejoicing. I cannot say I have any joy. Really sometimes my heart feels hard when I hear our dear one ask me as he does very often “What does this mean? I used to rest happily on God’s word but now I can’t – try as I may.” He seems almost to have given up believing the word. I think somehow he feels as if he had cried with all his heart to God and got no help. It is a deep mystery but we shall know all bye & bye. In the meantime we must just trust how ever hard it is to do so. We have had much to be thankful for in the midst of all our sorrow. Dear Arthur has indeed been one of our greatest blessings. I sometimes think I could not have borne it all as I have done if you girls had had to live with Uncle Tom. I should have felt it very much for I fear you would have been made to feel it. I am so sorry there are no letters this week from any of you, I cannot understand it. I hope there is nothing the matter. I do not get my letters very regularly now I am on the North Shore, it is possible I may have one yet. I am afraid this will be too late to go with the Frisco mail, which came in about two or three hours ago but I will try and see if I can get it posted. Aunt Emma and Ada have gone over to a tea meeting at Mr Robertson’s church tonight.
Grandpapa enjoyed his visit to the Waimate very much. They were all so good to him and petted him up very much. He has come back much better for the change. I meant to write quite a long letter but can’t.
Special love to all our dear ones, Arthur, Emma, Fred, & Susie not forgetting your dear old self
from Father & your loving
Old Mother