
Letter 1882-02-27 Eliza Nutter – Lucy Nutter


Feb’y 27th /82

My darling Lucy,

We are all in a state of excitement over the arrival of the box. Everything is just lovely, and what we really needed. Father unpacked it while Susie & I were getting tea ready. I am afraid the labels were taken off a little too quickly and I am just a little uncertain about the napkin rings – were they not from you and Emma? They are what we have been wishing for so much, but did not feel justified in spending money in buying any, & the lace square for my neck is so pretty. Sue has been trying to persuade me for some time to buy one, but I have always put off doing so, & now I shall not need to.

It is so nice to feel that my darling children have been thinking of us & working for us. Father cannot say enough about the slippers – they are so very nice – & made up so strongly. And now I must say a word about your picture. It does you great credit. I can scarcely say very much about it this letter for I have not seen it by daylight yet, & you cannot judge by lamplight very well, but it is certainly very nicely done. It is much better than anything I ever saw of Lottie’s. The little picture I admire very much. I will mount it & get Ted Matthews to make a frame for me. He will do it cheaply.

Fred admires his smoking cap very much, & his pocket book is a beauty. Poor boy, he has a very sore mouth, ulcers on his tongue accompanied by a heavy cold, he has not been well for weeks. I fancy they had very bad water at the place he has been surveying at, & you know what a thirsty boy he is. I am afraid it has rather affected him.

Tom has a fortnight’s holiday& has hired a boat for that time. He took us all for a picnic on Tuesday& on Saturday he asked Father & me to go fishing. Father caught 6 – I got 5 & Tom only one, but that was a very large one. I felt very sick part of the time it got so rough. Father enjoys boating so much that I did not mind a little inconvenience. We beat up the harbour in fine style coming home. We were out about 7 hours & came home very sunburnt but all the better for it. I am sure I have to write to Emma so must stop now with oceans of love from

Your own loving



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