Vincent Street
September 15th /80
My darling Lucy,
I felt I must send you a line this time. I have not been keeping up my letter writing quite so well lately but must improve at once. My cough is still very troublesome but I fancy it is a trifle better this evening. I feel anxious to get rid of it so as to be able to see dear Father but I must not be impatient. It is so comforting to feel he is so wonderfully improved is it not? Our God is faithful.
Today is Ada’s birthday. We have been greatly amused at Lottie & Fanny. They went out yesterday to buy something for Ada. Fanny came home with such a lovely ring – brass with such pretty stones!! Aunt E. explained that Ada would not like to wear anything but gold, so she trotted off & returned it. Then they went into town & bought two large cards for Ada. They certainly were very pretty flowers but no words. What difficulty poor Fanny experienced in not telling Ada all about it I cannot describe. It was good for all parties that A. had to go to the Bible class. It was finally arranged that the cards should be put into a drawer in Harriet’s room & they were to get up very early & put them beside Ada’s bed. Well! before it was properly light those two got up fetched the cards put them on the chair then shook Ada saying “ Ada, Ada you must not look on the chair”. The three little Goulstons were here spending the afternoon, they are such nicely behaved little things, so polite, no nonsense about them. I was so sorry to hear about poor little Mary Arthur – she was in my class in the Sunday school and was moved into Miss McKellar’s when Lucy Townsend etc were moved. I remember asking her some very pointed questions one day while she was standing beside me to say her hymn. I cannot remember the words that passed between us only I know she very clearly & brightly confessed her faith in Jesus. I feel so thankful now for that little talk. Her very sudden summons gave no time for testimony then – I do hope it may be blessed to some of the children in the school. Poor little Mary! she is safely housed in our Father’s house beyond the reach of sin and sorrow.
Old Mrs White gave me the chapter for every day, read by the Bible Union, they all read the same chapter on the same day & on Sunday morning each member is expected to pray for all the other members the chapter today is Psalm 44 – reading a Psalm every day – I always read it so if you do the same we shall be reading the same chapter.
Now Goodbye darling give my very best love to Arthur & Emma & Fred. Sit down and write a line to Fred to tell him about the improvement in our dear one. If you cannot get Susie to do so. I am so sorry poor Emma has not been well. You & Sue must take care of her. I hope you both help Katie all you can, it would be such a pity if she left on account of the work. Your loving